mercredi 20 juillet 2016

« No To Terror » Caravan: Empowering Youths to Transform their Vulnerabilities Positively.

           The « No To Terror » crew had an exchange on the second day of the forum with the participants on the theme « My Vulnerability, My Strength ». This activity that was done in collaboration with the World Dynamics of Young People (WDYP), the Zenu Network, and the Regional Delegation of Youths and Civic Education of Buea, was aimed at helping youths identify their vulnerability to terrorism, other violent acts and guiding them into transforming these vulnerabilities into potential strengths.

           This exchange was based on a short cartoon presentation which entailed the projection of the story of three friends who aim at achieving particular dreams. In the course of their growth, they are faced with particular challenges that result from their exposure to terrorism and other social ills that incite violence. Their exposure to such challenges pushes them to doubt the possibility and their ability of achieving their dreams…

           Thanks to this short presentation, the participants were able to identify their vulnerabilities as was the case of this muslim youth from Buea who denounced and decried being stigmatized by her classmates and teachers who often called her “Boko Haram”. This greatly affected her education as she was forced to change school a couple of times. As a result of this exchange this youth and many others understood the importance of being tolerant, patient, resilient and focused on their abilities and their role in the fight against terrorism, and consequently ensuring that peace reigns in Cameroon.

jeudi 14 juillet 2016

La Caravane de la Paix sera à Buéa, Sud Ouest Cameroun

Ces dernières semaines,nous avons noté de nombreux attentats terroristes dans plusieurs pays,notament au Niger, en Turquie, au Cameroun... Nos condoléances aux familles des victimes et prompt rétablissement aux blessés. Face à cette situation,  la Caravane de la Paix "Non à la Terreur" trouve nécessaire de  sensibiliser davantage les  populations à la non violence. Dans cette optique, les caravaniers prendront part au Forum des Jeunes du Cameroun qui aura lieu du 18 au 22 juillet 2016 à Buea sous le thème'' Jeunesse et Défis sécuritaires''. Ce sera une occasion de plus pour la jeunesse de prendre conscience de son rôle dans la lutte contre l'insécurité au Cameroun et en Afrique. #NoToTerror #YouthCAN #YaliCRLDakar #SweetArtfrika #FlaubertDjateng